sâmbătă, noiembrie 12


Hi,..din nou..
Revin dintre hartii si multa munca amuzata de stirile cu asteroizi uriasi,de axe ale pamantului schimbate,de negarea publica a USA referitoare la existenta extraterestrilor...ma rog din punctul meu este vorba de un alt fel de ...de "treaba din aia cu mama"...
Unii spun ca "facerea de bine" a modernitatii este informarea massmedia...

Din toate aceste tampenii, am inteles ca ne agitam cumplit ..in jurul calendarului Maya ,in timp ce intr-un alt colt de lume..oamenii au treaba...se joaca cu rachete si panuri militare.

Russia, China Against Fresh Sanctions
Scientist Rejects Involvement In Iran’s Nuclear Program
Political Desk

Russia and China, both permanent UN Security Council members with the veto power, agree that Iran should not be subject to fresh sanctions over its nuclear program, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.
At a meeting in Moscow, Russian and Chinese diplomats expressed ‘the mutual conviction that the application of new, additional sanctions against Iran will not lead to the desired result’, the ministry said in a statement, Reuters reported.
China’s foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei also said Thursday sanctions would not ‘fundamentally solve’ the Iranian nuclear issue and urged further dialogue to resolve an ongoing impasse over Tehran’s atomic program.
The comments come after the United States and Europe said they may pursue fresh sanctions to try and stop Iran from developing its drive, in the wake of a UN report that accused Iran of pursuing secret nuclear program.
But Hong said sanctions ‘cannot fundamentally solve the Iran issue’, AFP reported.

Pe de alta parte...iata ce spune...Iranul!

Leader: Iran Will Respond With Iron Fist to Any Attack
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has warned that if any country launches an attack on Iran, it must be ready to ‘receive firm slaps and fists of steel’ from the Iranian military forces.
“If anybody harbors the idea of invasion against the Islamic Republic of Iran, they must be ready to receive firm slaps and fists of steel from the Iranian Army, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Basij, and in one word from the great Iranian nation,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in an address to cadets at Imam Ali Military College in Tehran on Thursday, Presstv reported.
The Leader added that the Iranian nation does not seek to invade any country, yet they will respond to any act of aggression or even any threat with full force and in such a manner as to implode the invaders and aggressors from within.
The firm Iranian nation is not the one to stand idly stand by and witness the threats of the hollow powers which are ‘rotten from within’, the Leader added.

In timp ce...

Moscow Mulling More Nuclear Reactors in Iran
Strategic Security Pact Inked
Russia was considering building more nuclear reactors in Iran, its nuclear agency Rosatom said Thursday.
“We are examining possible orders,” Rosatom chief Sergey Kiriyenko said, in remarks quoted by news agency Interfax, DPA reported.
A nuclear plant that Russia had built in the southern port of Bushehr had “raised no objections with the international community,” Kiriyenko said.
The plant is the first of what Iran hopes will eventually become a network of nuclear plants that will effectively reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.
Initial construction of the facility began in 1975 by German companies, but the work was stopped following the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
In 1995, Iran and Russia reached an agreement to complete the project. However, power generation was delayed several times due to a number of technical and financial problems.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released its report on Tuesday claiming that Iran might be close to developing nuclear weapons.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi once again emphasized the peaceful nature of the country’s nuclear program, adding that there is no evidence of diversion.
Ali-Asghar Soltanieh, Iran’s permanent representative to the IAEA, called the report ‘baseless’ and ‘politically motivated’. Soltanieh said the IAEA report “contains nothing new” but is merely a repetition of previous allegations against Tehran.

Asta daca tinem cont de faptul ca Iranul a continuat procesul de inarmare nucleara si dupa 2003 si conform anumitor surse .."The Iranian official further said the recent report published by the IAEA on Tehran’s nuclear activities aims to re-enforce the inefficient policies of Iranophobia.
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano’s latest report on Iran’s nuclear activities was distributed among the 35 members of the Board of Governors on Tuesday evening, ahead of the seasonal meeting of the board, which is scheduled to be held in Vienna from November 17 to 18.
The report accused Iran of conducting activities related to developing nuclear weapons before 2003, adding that these activities ‘may still be ongoing ‘."

Se vorbeste despre iranofobie...
Mai ieri se vorbea despre islamofobie...
Prin italia si spania deja se vorbeste despre romanifobia..

Oricare ar fi denumirea trebuie sa nu ne pierdem in amanunte si sa uitam esentialul...
Suntem creduli si clar vazatori, cand vine vorba de pietrele din cosmos dar inchidem ochii si repetam mecanic ce ne mint altii ,cand este vorba de lucruri importante...cum ar fi Iranul.

De ce ne-ar interesa pe noi IRANUL?
Nu Iranul trebuie sa ne intereseze ci actiunile factorilor decizitionali angrenati in balanta de putere mondiala si modalitatea de raspuns al Iranului..
De acolo tinde sa cada "asteroidul"...

Iranul,Libia,Siria,Pakistanul precum si alte tari din "acele regiune de interes" sunt din punctul meu de vedere "stupi plini de miere" vitali pentru "sacalii mondiali".

Acelasi lucru il vedem si la noi in tara la ora actuala -Rosia Montana- se folosesc de lipsa locurilor de munca,de vointa oamenilor de a schimba ceva in bine pentru a putea vinde.."stupul cu miere".

Si asta se intampla oriunde in lume...oriunde exista cate un "stup" care trebuie consumat..
Daca ar fi sa ma iau dupa anumite teorii conspirationiste ..atunci nici cutremurele din ultimii ani,ultima vreme nu ar fi decat intrumentarul morbid al suprematiei globaliste...

Las asta insa ,in "aer"...

Daca noi am abordat o politica de "scalvie" pe plantatia globalista..nu pot sa nu ii admir pe acei cativa actori politici care stiu sa negocieze si sa isi apere drepturile,resursele..Rusia,China,Japonia,Iranul...
Dar nu si Romania..

E drept si ca drumul spre iad este pavat cu intentii bune ...

Pe data viitoare,

ps:posibil sa imi lipseasca virgule ..dar e sambata ..ce naiba?!..ma mai distrez si eu..:))p


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